
Friday 20 September 2019

Animal Testing

Animal testing

Do you want your family pet to die from animal testing? it’s a tradedgy that over 2 million animals die from animal testing. This essay will explain why animal testing is used, why it should be band and why it is so cruel.

What is animal testing:

Animal testing is a cruel thing to do. Depending on the experiment, animals could be tortured by being injected with drugs, be forced to wear makeup or skin care and they could even be operated on! Imagine if this was being done on your beloved family pet! How would you feel if this happened to them?

Banning Animal Testing.

Is animal testing necessary? Not only is animal testing cruel but sometimes it dosen’t work. some animals have different allergies to us humans, so if the medicine is tried on the six different animals it might not work on people . this is such a waste, these animals don’t need to be tortured every year for our sake. Animal testing needs to be banned.

Why do we do animal testing.

Do you know why scientists experiment on animals? Well they need to test on animals to make sure that the products are safe. Every year scientists test Rabbits,rats,mice,monkeys,dogs and cats, surely we can find another way to examine things to make cure’s for us human’s.

To conclude animal testing is a bad thing not just for animals but for humans as well. Animal testing must be band forever. We must find something else to use to test our medicine on, and make our world safe again.

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