
Tuesday 4 August 2020



  1. Talofa Lava Jordin,

    I like how you did side 23 to slide 27 it tells me that you actually know how to work decimals. It is great seeing your maths going up onto your blog.

    Next time when you blog your maths can you write a task description about what you did for maths.

    Keep up the great work Jordin!!

    Kind Regards

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  3. Kia Orana Jordin,

    Thank you for sharing your work with us. Even the information you have written on slide two is very well written. I can tell that you know how to tell the time, but did you know it just by looking at the clock? Anyways, I admire the fact that you managed to work from slide 6 to slide 15!! Not even I was able to do that, it took me a few days to do these slides. It seems you have even been able to do the decimal times. I had some trouble doing these, so I asked for help. Could you also try and add a task description with this, like just say what you had to do and how you felt during the making of this task. Overall you did an amazing job!! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what you do next!!

    Kind Regards,

